Kancelaria Rąpała supports Sodexo in the change of company's headquarters

Sodexo Benefits and Rewards moves to a new headquarters located in the Adgar Wave office building in Warsaw. The process on the tenant's side was supported by the team of Rąpała Law Firm led by Krzysztof Rąpała, in cooperation with Cushman & Wakefield.
RemoteMyApp closed financing from Deutsche Telekom with the support of Rąpała Law Firm

Polish cloud gaming company RemoteMyApp received €2 million in financing from Deutsche Telekom’s strategic investment fund, Telekom Innovation Pool GmbH. Rąpała Law Firm provided legal support of the investment process for the start-up.
Contracts during the pandemic - how to avoid a disaster

On the basis of the Order of the Minister of Health of 20 March 2020 on announcing in the territory of the Republic of Poland the state of epidemic, from 20 March 2020 until further notice, the state of epidemic has been announced in the territory of the Republic of Pola...
About us

The team of RĄPAŁA Law Firm headed by legal counsel Krzysztof Rąpała is composed of lawyers who have knowledge of and extensive experience in providing comprehensive legal services to commercial law companies and individual enterprises. We specialise in the area of trans...
Contact Us

Kancelaria RĄPAŁA - Local office in Warsaw
Our offer

Our law firm provides comprehensive legal support services to entrepreneurs from the numerous branches of business. We specialise in the area of transaction advisory services in merger and acquisition (M&A) processes, as well as in corporate and real estate law. Our ...
Change in the Supervisory Board of Hubstyle S.A.

We hereby inform that Mr. Krzysztof Rąpała has been appointed Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Hubstyle S.A., the stock exchange company which owns such fashion brands as sugarfree and cardiobunny.
Rąpała Law Firm has advised Prowly.com

Rąpała Law Firm has advised Prowly.com on the  negotiation of the contract with the world leader in video platform Vimeo Inc.
RĄPAŁA Law Firm has supported the Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A.

RĄPAŁA Law Firm has provided legal service for the Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A. in financing transaction for the investment project in Warsaw carried out by the company from the Budlex Group. The credit granted by the Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A. amounts to several dozen m...
Plum Research closed PLN 10M financing with the support of Rąpała Law Firm

Plum Research, a startup from the Tar Heel Capital Pathfinder portfolio, has raised PLN 10M funding from the venture capital firm Montis Capital and Weston Investment Management. Rąpała Law Firm provided legal support of the investment process for the start-up.
Kancelaria Rąpała supports Sodexo in the change of company's headquarters

Sodexo Benefits and Rewards moves to a new headquarters located in the Adgar Wave office building in Warsaw. The process on the tenant's side was supported by the team of Rąpała Law Firm led by Krzysztof Rąpała, in cooperation with Cushman & Wakefield.
RemoteMyApp closed financing from Deutsche Telekom with the support of Rąpała Law Firm

Polish cloud gaming company RemoteMyApp received €2 million in financing from Deutsche Telekom’s strategic investment fund, Telekom Innovation Pool GmbH. Rąpała Law Firm provided legal support of the investment process for the start-up.
Contracts during the pandemic - how to avoid a disaster

On the basis of the Order of the Minister of Health of 20 March 2020 on announcing in the territory of the Republic of Poland the state of epidemic, from 20 March 2020 until further notice, the state of epidemic has been announced in the territory of the Republic of Pola...
About us

The team of RĄPAŁA Law Firm headed by legal counsel Krzysztof Rąpała is composed of lawyers who have knowledge of and extensive experience in providing comprehensive legal services to commercial law companies and individual enterprises. We specialise in the area of trans...
Contact Us

Kancelaria RĄPAŁA - Local office in Warsaw
Our offer

Our law firm provides comprehensive legal support services to entrepreneurs from the numerous branches of business. We specialise in the area of transaction advisory services in merger and acquisition (M&A) processes, as well as in corporate and real estate law. Our ...
Change in the Supervisory Board of Hubstyle S.A.

We hereby inform that Mr. Krzysztof Rąpała has been appointed Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Hubstyle S.A., the stock exchange company which owns such fashion brands as sugarfree and cardiobunny.
Rąpała Law Firm has advised Prowly.com

Rąpała Law Firm has advised Prowly.com on the  negotiation of the contract with the world leader in video platform Vimeo Inc.
RĄPAŁA Law Firm has supported the Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A.

RĄPAŁA Law Firm has provided legal service for the Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A. in financing transaction for the investment project in Warsaw carried out by the company from the Budlex Group. The credit granted by the Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A. amounts to several dozen m...
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